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Anaglyph 3-D Stereo Archive

Sol 8 (July 11)


Stereo "Monster" Panorama

Sol 19-20 (July 23)

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 A stereo version of the Sagan Memorial Station as viewed by the Sojourner Rover. Images were combined from the two forward black and white cameras on the rover and processed as red and blue separations to produce this three dimensional scene.

Sol 30 (August 3)

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 Nov. 4

  3-D Anaglyphs by Dr. Timothy Parker, JPL

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3-D Anaglyphs by Dr. Timothy Parker, JPL




 "Mini Matterhorn" is a 3/4 meter rock immediately east-southeast of the Mars Pathfinder lander. This trio of images shows how super resolution techniques can be applied to near field targets to help to address questions about the texture of the rocks at the landing site and what it might tell us about their modes of origin.

The first image shows a "raw," standard-resolution color frame of the rock. The second and third views of Mini Matterhorn were produced by combining the "Super pan" frames from the IMP camera. The composite color frame consists of 7 frames from the right eye, taken with different color filters that were enlarged by 500% and then co-added using Adobe Photoshop to produce, in effect, a super-resolution panchromatic frame that is sharper than an individual frame would be. This panchromatic frame was then colorized with the red, green, and blue filtered images from the same sequence. The color balance was adjusted to approximate the true color of Mars.

The anaglyph view of Mini Matterhorn was produced by combining the left and right eye frames by assigning the left eye view to the red color plane and the right eye view to the green and blue color planes (cyan), to produce a stereo anaglyph mosaic. This mosaic can be viewed in 3-D on your computer monitor or in color print form by wearing red-blue 3-D glasses. Image processing and mosaic by Tim Parker, JPL.

"Barnacle Bill"


"Barnacle Bill" is a small rock immediately west-northwest of the Mars Pathfinder lander and was the first rock visited by the Sojourner Rover’s alpha proton X-ray spectrometer (APXS) instrument. This pair of images shows super resolution techniques applied to the first APXS target rock, which was never imaged with the rover’s forward cameras. Super resolution was applied to help to address questions about the texture of this rock and what it might tell us about its mode of origin.

The first view of Barnacle Bill was produced by combining the "Insurance Pan" frames taken while the IMP camera was still in its stowed position on sol2. The composite color frame consists of 5 frames from the right eye, taken with different color filters that were enlarged by 500% and then co-added using Adobe Photoshop to produce, in effect, a super-resolution panchromatic frame that is sharper than an individual frame would be. This panchromatic frame was then colorized with the red, green, and blue filtered images from the same sequence. The color balance was adjusted to approximate the true color of Mars.

The anaglyph view of Barnacle Bill was produced by combining the left (single red-filtered image) with the right eye frames by assigning the left eye view to the red color plane and the right eye view to the green and blue color planes (cyan), to produce a stereo anaglyph mosaic. This mosaic can be viewed in 3-D on your computer monitor or in color print form by wearing red-blue 3-D glasses. Image processing and mosaic by Tim Parker, JPL.

Sol 70 


This stereo anaglyph of the rock "Yogi" is a portion of an image taken by the Sojourner rover on Sol 70. Much of "Yogi" visible in this image cannot be seen from the perspective of the Pathfinder lander. To view this image in stereo, use glasses with a red left eye and blue right eye..

Sol 75-76


This stereo Sojourner rover image taken on Sol 76 shows foreground dunes and, on the horizon, the rim of "Big Crater" (left, 2.2 km away) and the "Twin Peaks" (right, about 1 km away). To see this image in 3-D, use glasses with a red left eye and blue right eye. 


This stereo Sojourner rover image taken on Sol 75 shows foreground rocks and, on the horizon, "North Peak" (0.86 km away). To see this image in 3-D, use glasses with a red left eye and blue right eye. 


The rock "Shark" is seen close-up in this stereo Sojourner rover image. To view this image in 3-D, use glasses with a red left eye and blue right eye. 

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