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Comets: Siding Spring (C/2013 A1)

Comet Siding Spring: October 19, 2014

Animation of Comet Siding Springs’ Close Encounter With Mars

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What We Know About Comet Siding Spring

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read the article 'Close Comet Flyby Threw Mars' Magnetic Field Into Chaos'
Just weeks before the historic encounter of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) with Mars in October 2014, NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft entered orbit around the Red Planet.
read the article 'Mars Spacecraft Reveal Comet Flyby Effects on Martian Atmosphere'
Two NASA and one European spacecraft that obtained the first up-close observations of a comet flyby of Mars on Oct. 19, have gathered new information about the basic properties of the comet's nucleus and directly detected the effects on the Martian atmosp
read the article 'NASA to Discuss Science Findings of Oct. 19 Comet Flyby of Mars'
A NASA media telecon on Friday, Nov. 7, will provide initial science observations of comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring's close flyby of Mars and the impact on the Martian atmosphere.
read the article 'Mars Orbiter's Spectrometer Shows Oort Comet's Coma'
The imaging spectrometer on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has provided an image of the coma surrounding a comet that flew near Mars this week.
read the article 'Close Encounters: Comet Siding Spring Seen Next to Mars'
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has produced a unique composite image of comet Siding Spring as it made its never-before-seen close passage of a comet by Mars.
read the article 'Mars Orbiter Image Shows Comet Nucleus is Small'
A camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken the highest-resolution image ever made of an Oort Cloud comet, taking advantage of the comet's Mars flyby.
read the article 'NASA Rover Opportunity Views Comet Near Mars'
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity caught an image of a celestial visitor -- comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring -- as the comet approached near to Mars on Oct. 19, 2014.
read the article 'All Three NASA Mars Orbiters Healthy After Comet Flyby'
All three NASA orbiters around Mars confirmed their healthy status Sunday after each took shelter behind Mars during a period of risk from dust released by a passing comet.
read the article 'NASA's Mars Odyssey Orbiter Watches Comet Fly Near'
The longest-lived robot ever sent to Mars came through its latest challenge in good health, reporting home on schedule after sheltering behind Mars from possible comet dust.
read the article 'NASA's MAVEN Studies Passing Comet and Its Effects'
NASA's newest orbiter at Mars, MAVEN, took precautions to avoid harm from a dust-spewing comet that flew near Mars today and is studying the flyby's effects on the Red Planet's atmosphere.
read the article 'NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Studies Comet Flyby'
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has sent home more data about Mars than all other missions combined, is also now providing data about a comet that buzzed The Red Planet today (Oct. 19).
read the article 'CRISM Prepares For Mars-grazing Comet Siding Spring'
On October 19, a comet that has travelled many billions of miles will come within about 87,000 miles of Mars – about one-third of the distance of the Moon from Earth.
read the article 'NASA Prepares its Science Fleet for Oct. 19 Mars Comet Encounter'
NASA's extensive fleet of science assets, particularly those orbiting and roving Mars, have front row seats to image and study a once-in-a-lifetime comet flyby on Sunday, Oct. 19.
read the article 'NASA Holds Briefing to Discuss Comet Flyby of Mars Observations'
NASA will host a briefing on Thursday, Oct. 9, to outline the space and Earth-based assets that will image and study a comet from relatively close range to Mars on Oct. 19.
read the article 'JPL to Host
NASA will hold a one-day NASA Social for up to 50 of its social media followers on Oct. 13, 2014, at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
read the article 'Preview Comet Flyby Preparations and a Comet-landing Mission'
Social media users are invited to apply for one of up to 50 credentials to attend a one-day NASA Social on Oct. 13, 2014, at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
read the article 'Orbiter Completes Maneuver to Prepare for Comet Flyby'
NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft has successfully adjusted the timing of its orbit around Mars as a defensive precaution for a comet's close flyby of Mars on Oct. 19, 2014.
read the article 'NASA's Mars Spacecraft Maneuvers to Prepare for Close Comet Flyby'
NASA is taking steps to protect its Mars orbiters, while preserving opportunities to gather valuable scientific data, as Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring heads toward a close flyby of Mars on Oct. 19.
read the article 'NASA's Swift Satellite Tallies Water Production of Mars-bound Comet'
In late May, NASA's Swift satellite imaged comet Siding Spring, which will brush astonishingly close to Mars later this year.
read the article 'NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Spots Mars-Bound Comet Sprout Multiple Jets'
NASA released Thursday an image of a comet that, on Oct. 19, will pass within 84,000 miles of Mars -- less than half the distance between Earth and our moon.
read the article 'NASA Preparing for 2014 Comet Watch at Mars'
A close flyby of Mars in 2014 by comet Siding Spring could deliver opportunities for learning, but also possible hazards for orbiting spacecraft. NASA is preparing for both.
read the article 'Collision Course? A Comet Heads for Mars'
A comet is heading for Mars, and there is a chance that it might hit the Red Planet in October 2014. An impact wouldn't necessarily mean the end of NASA's Mars program, but it would transform the program along with Mars itself.
read the article 'Comet to Make Close Flyby of Red Planet in October 2014'
Latest observations indicate comet 2013 A1 will pass within 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) of Mars on Oct. 19, 2014.
Views of Mars and Comet Siding Spring
This graphic depicts the orbit of comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring as it swings around the sun in 2014. On Oct. 19, the comet will have a very close pass at Mars, just 82,000 miles (132,000 kilometers) from the planet.
Chart of the Science Observations
Comet Siding Spring Encounter at Mars Timeline

Comet Siding Spring Encounter at Mars Timeline

*Dates and times are in UTC.
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Several weeks prior to closest approach

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July 2

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) orbit maneuver to put spacecraft behind Mars (1st of 2)

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August 5

Odyssey orbit maneuver to put spacecraft behind Mars

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August 6

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) CRISM/HiRISE stellar scan to check boresite

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August 11

1st Comet Siding Spring workshop.
Watch Archived Workshop >>.

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September 19

2nd Comet Siding Spring workshop.

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September 21

MAVEN Orbit Insertion.(September 21, 10pm EDT)

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September 24

Opportunity will take a test PanCam image of twilight sky

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September 24

India's Mars Orbit Mission (MOM) Orbit Insertion

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September 25

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) orbit maneuver to put spacecraft behind Mars (2nd of 2)

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October 7

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HIRISE imaging of comet.

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October 8

Curiosity will take a test Mastcam image of the twilight sky

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10 days to closest approach

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October 9

MAVEN last course correction to put spacecraft behind Mars at time of peak flux.

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October 12 and later

Curiosity and Opportunity may image comet at night.

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October 13

Curiosity will take test spectral images with Mastcam and Chemcam

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October 15

Opportunity will do a dry run of comet imaging, aimed at the comet (although the comet may not be bright enough to detect against the dusty night sky).

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5 days to closest approach

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October 17

MAVEN will image the comet with the IUVS.

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October 17-19

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) (HiRISE, CRISM, CTX) will image the comet.

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October 17-19

MAVEN will monitor the Mars upper atmosphere and solar wind (IUVS, SEP, SWIA, SWEA, STATIC, MAG, LPW, NGIMS).

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October 17-19

Curiosity may image comet at night using the ChemCam, Mastcam.

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2 hours before closest approach

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October 19

Opportunity may image the comet with PanCam.

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October 19

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) imaging of the comet (CRISM, HiRISE, CTX).

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October 19

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) (MCS, MARCI, SHARAD) will monitor Mars' atmosphere.

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October 19

Odyssey (THEMIS) imaging of the comet. Thermal IR and visible imaging of the coma.

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October 19

MAVEN goes into planned "minimum risk" mode ~45 min prior to Closest Approach. LPW, SEP, MAG continue to operate.

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During closest approach

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October 19 11:27 a.m.
PT/2:27 p.m. ET/18:27 UT

Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) Closest Approach to Mars at 87,000 miles (139,500 kilometers).

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October 19

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) imaging of the comet (CRISM, HiRISE, CTX). Comet nucleus may be a few pixels wide in the image

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After closest approach

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October 19 closest approach + 20 minutes

Mars will skirt the comet coma.

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October 19 closest approach + 90 minutes

Odyssey will take several thermal IR and visible images of the comet and tail

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October 19 closest approach + 90 minutes

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) (CRISM and HiRISE) to image the nucleus and CTX rides-along. Other instruments (MCS, MARCI, SHARAD) take observations of Mars' atmosphere to identify atmospheric interactions with comet particles.

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October 19 closest approach + 2.5 hours

Curiosity may image comet at night using the ChemCam, Mastcam.

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October 19 closest approach + 2.5 hours

MAVEN will leave "minimum risk" mode. Spacecraft and instrument status will be checked over the next orbit, then science observations of Mars will resume, to get "after the comet" observations.

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October 19 closest approach + 5 hours

Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) (HiRISE, CRISM, CTX) will image the comet.

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October 19 closest approach + 10 hours

Opportunity may image the comet using the PanCam.

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October 20

Opportunity and Curiosity may image the comet after closest approach.

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October 20

Spacecraft will begin to report back to Earth their health and safety status (this schedule is still uncertain on which spacecraft will call home first).

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October 20 - 21

Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) (MCS, MARCI, SHARAD) monitors the Mars' atmosphere.

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October 20 - 21

MAVEN will resume atmospheric science (IUVS, SEP, SWIA, SWEA, STATIC, MAG, LPW, NGIMS)

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October 21

Odyssey (THEMIS) images the comet with planet limb.

*Descriptions are current as of 10-7-14 but are subject to change.
Comet Siding Spring Facts



This comet sneaked up on us because it was coming in from underneath the plane of Earth's orbit!

Luckily, asteroid and comet hunter Robert H. McNaught spotted it with the constellation Lepus in the star background.

At the time of its discovery, Comet Siding Spring
was farther from the Sun than Jupiter -
about 7.2 times farther away from the Sun than Earth.

McNaught achieved this triumph on January 3, 2013, using the 0.5-meter (20-inch) Uppsala Schmidt Telescope, at Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia.
Anatomy of Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1)