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Mars: News & Features

How NASA’s Perseverance Is Helping Prepare Astronauts for Mars
6 min read

The rover carries several swatches of spacesuit materials, and scientists are assessing how they’ve held up after four years on the Red Planet. NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars in 2021 to search for signs of ancient microbial life and…

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Detects Largest Organic Molecules Found on Mars
6 min read

Researchers analyzing pulverized rock onboard NASA’s Curiosity rover have found the largest organic compounds on the Red Planet to date. The finding, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests prebiotic chemistry may have advanced further…

NASA’s Europa Clipper Uses Mars to Go the Distance
6 min read

The orbiter bound for Jupiter’s moon Europa will investigate whether the moon is habitable, but it first will get the help of Mars’ gravitational force to get to deep space. On March 1, NASA’s Europa Clipper will streak just 550…

NASA: New Study on Why Mars is Red Supports Potentially Habitable Past
4 min read

A new international study partially funded by NASA on how Mars got its iconic red color adds to evidence that Mars had a cool but wet and potentially habitable climate in its ancient past. The current atmosphere of Mars is…

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Colorful Clouds Drifting Over Mars
5 min read

While the Martian clouds may look like the kind seen in Earth’s skies, they include frozen carbon dioxide, or dry ice. Red-and-green-tinted clouds drift through the Martian sky in a new set of images captured by NASA’s Curiosity rover using…

NASA’s InSight Finds Marsquakes From Meteoroids Go Deeper Than Expected
6 min read

With help from AI, scientists discovered a fresh crater made by an impact that shook material as deep as the Red Planet’s mantle. Meteoroids striking Mars produce seismic signals that can reach deeper into the planet than previously known. That’s…

NASA to Explore Two Landing Options for Returning Samples from Mars
3 min read

To maximize chances of successfully bringing the first Martian rock and sediment samples to Earth for the benefit of humanity, NASA announced Tuesday a new approach to its Mars Sample Return Program. The agency will simultaneously pursue two landing architectures,…

News Release
NASA to Host Media Call Highlighting Mars Sample Return Update
2 min read

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Nicky Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, will host a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EST, Tuesday, Jan. 7, to provide an update on the status of the agency’s Mars Sample Return Program. The briefing…

News Release
January’s Night Sky Notes: The Red Planet
3 min read

Have you looked up at the night sky this season and noticed a bright object sporting a reddish hue to the left of Orion? This is none other than the planet Mars! January will be an excellent opportunity to spot…

Avalanches, Icy Explosions, and Dunes: NASA Is Tracking New Year on Mars
5 min read

Instead of a winter wonderland, the Red Planet’s northern hemisphere goes through an active — even explosive — spring thaw. While New Year’s Eve is around the corner here on Earth, Mars scientists are ahead of the game: The Red…
