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Geologic Cross-Section

This graphic shows the geologic cross-section through lower Mount Sharp on Mars.  The crater floor is in gray.  The Murray Formation in green and the Hematite Ridge is in orange.
September 11, 2014
Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech
  • english

This graphic shows the geologic cross-section through lower Mount Sharp on Mars, corresponding to the segment A to A' shown in PIA18781. This cross-section provides an interpretation of the geologic relationship between the "Murray Formation," the crater floor sediments, and the hematite ridge. The cross-sectional view also highlights the impressive thickness of the Murray Formation - around 650 feet (200 meters). NASA's Curiosity rover will be exploring this formation.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. JPL designed and built the project's Curiosity rover.