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What grade- or age-level is appropriate?

The Imagine Mars Project can be adapted by selecting age-appropriate activities and increasing or decreasing the depth of focus on each of the five steps. Clearly. the finished project of a high-school class will be much more comprehensive than that of a second-grade class; however, each group will gain benefits from the project. Examples:

  • Grades K-2: Learn what it is to be an Earthling and, in an introduction to the planets, decide whether to go live on the red planet. Build a "Marsarium," using soil and seeds to grow plants that provide oxygen, and make pictures of their imagined Martian home.

  • Grades 3-5: Gain higher level skills in observing, describing, analyzing, and representing a home environment and what it means, particularly through language and performing arts.

  • Grades 6-8: Engage in more complex community studies such as transportation, interior design, geology, waste management, and social studies, including how indigenous peoples use or adapt their environments for survival.

  • Grades 9-12: Focus on complex decisions related to energy, material resources, psychological needs, recreation and fitness, engineering design, and communication and group dynamics.